Telecom Smart Capex

Telecom CapEx optimization

Optimise your network CapEx envelope and track your performance with our Smart CapEx solution

Telecom operators face complex investment decisions on large CapEx amounts

Network roll-outs involve both mobile and fixed network teams and require input from key stakeholders on the financial, commercial, strategic, and technical teams.

Smart CapEx allows you to produce the best investment plan

Smart CapEx has two modules to help telecom operators maximise their CapEx impact


The prioritisation application helps you design the optimal investment plan across your network technologies. It pre-selects the optimal investment candidates based on granular scoring. Once this plan has been built based on a machine learning algorithm, you can edit it manually, leveraging additional qualitative inputs. Finally, the application allows you to easily compare your plan with the other investment plans so you are in the position to make the best decisions.

Benefit management

The Benefit Management application allows you to track the realisation of your investment plan. It allows you to easily compare your forecasts with your actuals while also helping you to understand how to improve the next waves of network investments based on past performance. Leveraging advanced predictive algorithms, it automatically analyses the behaviour of your investments, highlighting the key patterns.